Since more than 4 years we are collecting posters ourselves. We occasionally visited poster galleries, but mainly browsed online for posters, on gallery websites, in auction catalogs, and on ebay. Many websites are hard to find with the common search engines and the online research is very time consuming. In addition, keeping track of the poster auctions all over the world is almost impossible without being extremely organized. That is, we were thinking that a poster directory listing all relevant poster resources and events would greatly facilitate our hunt for eye-catching posters, and the idea for was born.
About aproposter
The purpose of aproposter is to connect poster enthusiasts with the best poster resources from all over the world, and to help keeping track of upcoming poster events. Compared to other sites such as Facebook, Yelp, and other directories, aproposter is a website exclusively for posters and poster design. aproposter is a project of young poster enthusiasts, requiring a significant time investment at nights and on weekends. aproposter is free to use and no intrusive ads will be placed on the site. Additional features will be added to the site, so check back soon!
About the name "aproposter"
The name "aproposter" is an amalgamation of the words "apropos" and "poster". "apropos" originates from the French "à propos" (with regard to this purpose), which was first used in the mid 17th century. In English, "apropos" is used as preposition ("with reference to". "concerning" or "about"), as adjective (very appropriate to a particular situation; synonyms are e.g. "appropriate" or "relevant") or as adverb, used to state a speaker's belief that someone's comments or acts are unrelated to any previous discussion or situation. For this website, "aproposter" has the meaning of "about posters".
Use of social media
aproposter has social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. However, aproposter's social media activities are focused on Instagram only. We believe that Instagram is the best social media channel for visual art. Facebook is cluttered, Twitter limited to 144 characters, and Pinterest confusing. Our Instagram account (@apro.poster) is an integral part of aproposter with live feeds on the website. Please follow us and like our posts on Instagram!
We appreciate that you are browsing on In order to make aproposter as useful and relevant for you, we welcome any comments and/or suggestions on how to improve the service and content of aproposter. If you should have any recommendations, input, or comments regarding aproposter, please do not hesitate to contact us: Alternatively, you can use the contact form or drop us a message on any of our social media accounts.
You can contact us by using the contact form, sending an email, or touching base on social media. Our e-mail address is: aproposter is domiciled in CH-3074 Muri b. Bern, Switzerland. Please feel free to contact us if you should have any questions about aproposter.